Learning English as a Second Language


This page is made to impart everyday web and mobile tools and applications to assist anybody trying to improve her English and at the same time acquire more words. English as second language is not just part of the curriculum now in Southeast Asia but essential in our everyday encounters.

  1. Dictionaries to learn more words

During my time, back in the 7th grade, I remember spending my small savings for a pocket Webster dictionary. I had it in my school bag everyday. As much as I can I read at least 5 words in one seating. Of course, it was not enough to read the words but to practice them and own them. At the least, it gave me a way to discover and to understand words. It did. And even now, dictionaries are important tools of my everyday office productivity. So here are some of the dictionary applications I use on a daily basis.

The Dictionary.com


The Thesaurus.com


The FreeDictionary.com by Farlex


All these dictionaries are always available online, no need for registration. Let your web cookies keep track these sites and they will come handy every time you are groping for words.

2. Mobile games to acquire more words

Back in the days, scrabble and boggle were the time crunchers for the 80s persons like me. But now given the pervasive diffusion of affordable smartphones, let us not deny ourselves of using mobile applications to discover more words.

The Wordbrain


The Wordbrain is available both in the App and the Play stores. It is a word game wherein you unravel the words and as you are able to perform well, bigger box with more tiles of letters to play with. The model allows you to challenge and drive yourself to move forward.

The Wordbase


The Wordbase is available both in the App and the Play stores. The model of this game simulates the objective of chess. You need to form words, ideally longer, to cross and aim at your opponent’s camp. You get to find and play with different online players with advance or little background about the game.


3. Use Youtube

Youtube is a very good site of how-tos and what-nots. Here is an example of a useful channel by English Jade, published by the http://www.engvid.com/ .


Truly there are many resources available to augment and improve our learning of the English language.